Our Services

U-Shaped Kitchen

U-shaped kitchens are ideal for large families.

U-shaped kitchens have been providing homeowners with a one-stop solution for the cabinetry needs. A U-shaped kitchen is a commonly used layout that makes use of all the kitchen walls. The U-shaped modular kitchen comes with a well-organized working area to help you with several tasks including, cooking and serving along with ample storage to house electrical appliances. HouseDot team of skilled professionals will efficiently identify and work around various constraints, thus providing a holistic service.

U-shaped kitchens are ideal for large families, with multiple storage units, essential features, U-shaped kitchens have bigger kitchen sinks, chimney for additional exhausts, multiple drawers for better utilization of space.

Why House Dot?


Every home is different & yours should also be.

Premium Quality

The best materials are chosen to give you that uniquely experience.

4 Years Warranty

All pre-assembly manufacturing defects will be covered.

After Sales Service

Even after project, we serve your niggling queries.

Handmade By Craftsmen

Skilled team to give you a nostalgic and long-lasting experience.

Fast Delivery Promise

We are as eager as you to deliver your beautiful home and commit a faster turnaround.